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Media Release - December 6, 2022, 7am CET, 1am EDT

Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Rome, Tallinn, Washington

Some key takeaways:


  1. European technology weakening & blind spots are MUCH stronger than even JEDI previously identified

  2. Innovative public-private partnerships are critical for Europe & free societies to remain leaders in tech

  3. Not capital, but a highly coherent strategic framework is expected from the public side in priority. This is strategically put in place in the United States, to create technological and competitiveness advantage

  4. China is a strategic focal point in Washington. Europe should build on democracy & energy leadership


Achievements for JEDI:


  • JEDI positioned as a credible Track 2 for transatlantic technology dialogue and cooperation

  • Strong interest to cooperate with JEDI by US government & private bodies focused on emerging tech

  • Several potential challenges discussed to boost European and free societies technological edge

  • Focus on computing (cyber, AI, quantum), life sciences, climate & energy technologies

The Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI), the European ARPA is wrapping up its Washington, DC 3rd high level technology visit, meeting key leaders in public and private organisations focused on emerging technologies.


The JEDI Delegation was composed of deeptech startups CEOs, industry top executives, former gov. officials from European countries. It met with leaders of the tech, science and geostrategic DC ecosystem, including the Office of S&T at the White House, the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, IARPA, ARPA-E, the Special Competitive Studies Project, Atlantic Council and AFWerx.


During 4 days, the JEDI Delegation discussed very concrete tech priorities, for which GrandChallenges could be organized — energy (nuclear fusion), climate (critical materials), digital resilience of democracies (cognitive manipulation, privacy preserving AI, cyber), life sciences and agriculture (pandemic preparedness, AMR, synthetic biology) and computing (quantum sensing, cryptography).


André Loesekrug-Pietri, Chair & Scientific Director of JEDI, underlined "in the context of tech acceleration, fractures due to war in Ukraine, tensions from IRA, the upcoming TTC, there is urgent need for a track 2 in tech cooperation, and JEDI has received a very strong welcome in the US”. He added that “at a time where concrete cooperation is more needed than bold speeches, JEDI and its partners intend to launch impactful Tech Challenges & projects, and provide deep technology foresight strongly needed for governments, the EU and industry”.




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