Become a JEDI to benefit from our unique technology foresight, launch Challenges with us, get access to Europe's largest Deeptech ecosystem, interact with key scientific & political leaders around innovation.

JEDI Exponential - Bruno David, fmr President of National Museum of Natural History
April 1

Jolt Capital becomes a JEDI partner
December 19

JEDI Agri-Carbon-Tracker Challenge selected by the AI Action Summit organized by France
December 11

JEDI and RDIA announce plans for cooperation on advanced ‘moonshot’ research and technology
December 4

Le Point - Exploit de SpaceX : « Pour Ariane, c’est irrattrapable »
October 17

JEDI Exponential - Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics
September 4

The Innovator - Interview Of The Week with our President, Mr. Andre Loesekrug-Pietri
June 21

JEDI Exponential - CEOs of Deeptech Funds
June 19

Symposium EuropaNova - How to set up adequate structures at European level to favor the continuum research-innovation ?
June 14

JEDI Moonshot Council - Materials & Sustainable Mining
May 29

JEDI Moonshot Council - AI Accelerators
May 22

JEDI Exponential - Yann Le Cun, Turing Prize, Chief AI Scientist, Meta
May 23

JEDI Moonshot Council - Nuclear Fusion
May 16

JEDI Exponential - Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate for Europe
April 3

Europe : il est minuit moins une
March 15

The JEDI Manifesto, all-out scientific and technological offensive for Europe to (re)gain leadership in the 21st century.
May 9, 2023

Kein KI-Moratorium, sondern eigene Programme entwickeln! Gastkommentar von Jonas Andrulis, CEO, Aleph Alpha, und Andre Loesekrug-Pietri, Vorsitzender, JEDI
April 25, 2023
Europa braucht ein Apollo 2.0
February 8, 2023

Bataille technologique : l'étrange défaite de l'Europe
October 18, 2021